When to Fit in Studying for Your Teaching Degree While Traveling



Getting a degree that can allow you to have a teaching career in the future is now easier than ever before, due to there being plenty of reputable universities that now offer an online master’s in education.

Doing your master’s in education online rather than at a physical college campus means you can fit study around your life – including traveling. Your travel experiences can teach you a lot of things, which will help make you a better educator in a lot of ways, so being able to do this while you are attaining your master’s in education can be a really good thing. Naturally though, it does take some discipline to stay focused on your studies when adventure is beckoning.

Here are some ways to make sure you fit in your study and come back from your travels both inspired and qualified for your new career!


  • Find Your ‘Dead Time’ And Use It


All travel does involve some ‘dead time’ – that is, time spent on planes or trains or buses, time spent waiting for transport, and time at the hotel when you don’t really have any plans. Most people kill this time with mobile games, books or media, but if you can identify when it is going to occur and equip yourself, you can use it to study very easily. Even without an internet connection, for example on a long-haul flight, you can print off some materials from your education course to review. This will not only allow you to get your study done during time you’d otherwise not be doing anything interesting anyway, but will also stop you getting bored!


  • Schedule in Study Appointments


Of course, you won’t be able to complete all of your studies just using time spent waiting around at airports or on trains, so you do need a strategy to ensure you put in enough work when you’re are at a destination. An approach many people find useful for this is to schedule in your study sessions as if they are social engagements or appointments you would never miss. If you know that you need to study for three hours tonight, then this makes it easier to say no if your new friend invites you out for drinks, but also allows you to create a window where, once it’s finished, you can do other things.


  • Use the Community on Your Course for Support


Online degrees can have pretty cool student communities you can chat to online, and using these can help you feel less like you are missing out on meeting people and socializing when you are studying. Make as much use of them as you can and you’ll enjoy studying while you are traveling a lot more.

Traveling and studying at the same time can be a really great idea, but you do need to plan ahead and make sure you don’t get side tracked too often in the pursuit of your degree in education while you are exploring!

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