A dog really is man’s best friend. Dogs are loyal, intuitive, and ridiculously adorable. And dog people are their own breed. They have big hearts and take their dog parenting very seriously. Due to their niche taste, they can actually be incredibly fun to shop for. If the dog lover in your life is about to celebrate a milestone, like an adoption anniversary or their actual birthday, here are a few ideas for gifts that will absolutely make their day.
Give that puppy some love
The best way to a dog lover’s heart is through his or her pet. Giving your loved one’s pup something thoughtful will be better than almost anything else you could think of. If their dog is a little anxious or experiences separation anxiety, getting them pet relief CBD oil could potentially reduce some of those symptoms. Some products, like Sera Labs supplements, include good proteins and fatty acids to give their pooch an extra boost. It also includes organically harvested CBD hemp extract, which is thought to have overall health benefits. Your dog lover will appreciate the thought and care you put into their furry best friend’s well being. Remind them to check with their veterinarian before giving their pet a supplement. Any time you introduce something new into your pet’s diet, it’s a good rule of thumb to check with your vet.
Make a spicy substitution
With any kind of pet, there can be collateral damage done to beloved household items. Whether it’s couches that have been dug through, shoes that now have holes, or intimate apparel that’s been torn up, you always find a way to forgive your pet’s indiscretions. That being said, it’s still disappointing when you don’t have a replacement for the destroyed item. If you’re buying for your intimate partner, and some negligee has been lost to a bored puppy that found it lying around, surprise your partner with sexy lingerie as a replacement. This is a gift best given when there isn’t any specific occasion, making it even more of a fun and spicy surprise. Your partner will love having a replacement and might even prefer her new “unmentionables” because they came from you.
Bone appétit
Give the pup lover in your life a doggy double date! Curate a whole evening based around their best friend. Start the evening by sending your loved one out for a long walk with their dog while you prepare. Plan a four-course meal that’s to be shared with their furry friend, using only ingredients that are safe for dogs and portioning out the sizes so the pup’s tummy won’t get upset. According to the American Kennel Club, dogs can eat bread, cheese, coconut, eggs, fish, and many other things. You’ll certainly be able to come up with a great menu. To top it all off, buy your human their favorite ice cream and give their dog a frozen treat. It really doesn’t get any better than sharing dessert with your best friend.
A picture’s worth a thousand barks
If you scrolled through the camera roll of a dog person, you’d most likely only see photos of their dog, and occasionally pictures of other people’s cute dogs. Get a photo of your dog enthusiast’s beloved fur baby and buy them a personalized blanket with their puppy’s photograph. If they have multiple pets, the more the merrier. There are companies that specialize in pet blankets that allow multiple pets in their design—just be prepared to pay a couple of dollars more. Your loved one will be so excited to snuggle up with their pet and not get fur all over their clothes.